Getting Started with Young Living is one of the best decisions I have ever made. When I started using essential oils six years ago, I had no idea how they would change my life. While at a blogging conference in Texas, I was desperately seeking a natural alternative for milk supply. I had tried all the herbs, lactation cookies, and more. One of the mommas there introduced me to a friend, Rachel, who used Young Living essential oils, and I immediately became a member.
However, when I came home, I didn’t have the oil I needed in my starter kit, so I purchased cheap oil locally and it did nothing. I talked to Rachel about this, and she explained the Seed to Seal process to me. I purchased that same oil from Young Living and when it came I applied it immediately. it double my ounces in one day! The other oils in the kit were also helping my with my anxiety and postpartum depression so much that I knew I had to start sharing these with others.

I realized the difference between a store bought junk oil and an essential oil that hasn’t been watered down or adulterated with synthetic chemicals after visiting the Young Living farms. It’s so important to #knowthyfarmer and I can confidently say that I have met the farmers at three of our farms now. If we don’t own the land to our farms, then we have Seed to Seal certified partner farms. Our company employs 100+ scientist under the leadership of Mike Buch, and each farm has to go through a vetting process to be a Seed to Seal supplier where our scientists test the soil, get a farming history of the land, and ensure that the oils are as pure as possible from the seed to the seal of the bottle.

After I was with Young Living for about a year I started learning more about a non-toxic lifestyle and eventually switched out my personal care products, supplements, and more at the wholesale member price (24% off). I earn points each month through the Essential Rewards program, and get free products every single month.
Getting started with Young Living with a Premium Starter Kit is the most cost effective approach. Each of the Premium Kits include your wholesale membership (save 24% on everything you purchase), and also include your membership into our Oily Uprising Facebook group where you can ask questions 24/7, learn via our Learning Units, and take part in several online classes.
There are several kits to choose from and each of them are pictured below. These include the Essential Oils Kit, CBD Kit, Ningxia Red Kit, Thieves Home Cleaning Kit, and the Savvy Minerals Make-up Kit. You are never required to make a purchase, but you will need to spend 50PV (similar to $50) once a year to maintain your membership. However, you may want to order each month and to earn points that spend like cash, you will want to join our Essential Rewards program.

Each of these kits are designed to help meet your family’s specific needs, and with each kit you will receive a welcome kit from me, and you can either opt for a $25 Amazon Gift Card, or we will send you a goodie bag specific to the Premium Starter Kit you choose! Also, once you become a member, we will add you to our members Facebook Group where you can learn 24/7, ask questions, learn via our Learning Units and find fellow oily users. We have over 1,500 members in our group, so it’s a lot of fun too.

Plus, with this order, you automatically become a wholesale member, which means you will save 24% off all of your orders. You will not need to place another order for an entire YEAR unless you want to do so! Just place a 50PV order before your anniversary date to keep your membership. Check out all of our Young Living Essential Oil recipe posts!
Once you are a member, you don’t have to purchase anything for a year, but my suggestion is to go non-toxic little by little through our Essential Rewards program. This is a monthly autoship program where you agree to spend 50PV (similar to $50) each month on essential oils (this is NOT required, just a suggestion), everyday household or personal care products, make-up, etc., in return for points back, cheaper shipping, and free gifts at months 3,6,9, and 12.

I have been on this program for over four years and currently earn 25% back in points. Each month I spend around $300, so I get 75 points back to spend (similar to $75). Because I spend 300PV I also hit the top promo tier each month, so that means I get a ton of free stuff. Here is an example of one month’s promo, which means I received all of these free items as well as my 75 points.

How to Sign-up:
1. Sign-up for a Young Living account.
2. Check the “Wholesale Member” option to ensure the lower prices.
3. Be sure the “sponsor ID” and “enroller id” say 1972233
4. Decide on the starter kit you would like.
BONUS Step: (Completely optional!) Sign-up for Essential Rewards at sign-up and I will send you a free 5ml bottle of Lemongrass or Grapefruit.
Watch my Young Living Essential Oil 101 Below!
Young Living Lifestyle 101/Essential Oil 101 from Stephanie Brandt on Vimeo.
IMPORTANT: This promotion is only available when you sign up with the sponsor ID and enroller ID as #1972233. Also, if you recommend this promotion to a friend (or group of friends) and they sign up too through this promotion then please let me know so that you can get credit for referring them.
The Opportunity
This company has drastically changed our financial lives as well. If you are considering a work from home business where you can create your own schedule while helping others live a life of wellness, this opportunity may be for you. As soon as you join as a member, you can start earning immediately by sharing with others.
Learn more about the Young Living income opportunity. (YL income disclosure: https://www.youngliving.com/en_US/opportunity/income-disclosure)
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on this website. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Does signing up make me a “distributor”?
Nope! You are not required to sell anything at all to anyone. When you become a wholesale member, you get a special link that you can share with friends and get credit from their purchases, but there are no minimum sales amounts at all. In fact, 90% of the wholesale members in Young Living don’t do the business side at all. They are buying from Young Living because of the quality alone.
Am I required to make a minimum purchase each month?
There are absolutely NO minimum monthly purchase requirements. To remain a wholesale member, you have to make $50 worth of purchases per year to keep your membership. But if there’s a year that you don’t make a $50 purchase, you can reinstate your wholesale membership discount by just placing a $50 order.
If you do find yourself making regular purchases each month, then Young Living has a rewards program (called Essential Rewards) where you can make a nice percentage back in product credit each month on all of your purchases. So that’s a neat program to join if you find that you *want* to purchase regularly (but it’s not a requirement for being a wholesale member).
Why should I buy from Young Living instead of other essential oils companies?
It does seem like a new essential oils company pops up every day, doesn’t it?
I can’t speak to the quality of other companies, but I can say that Young Living was the only company in my research of essential oil companies that could answer all of my questions about purity in a way that was satisfactory to me.
Young Living was the only company that has their own farms (in the regions where the plants should be grown), could absolutely guarantee that no pesticides or herbicides were used in the growing of any of their oils (they use essential oils for pest control and they do all of the weeding by hand), has their own testing equipment (they do both in-house and 3rd party testing, and use many different testing methods not just GC/MS which only tests for certain chemicals, not whether those chemicals are synthetic or not), and only uses the first distillation of oils instead of adding chemicals to get more out of the plant.
Young Living also was the only company that was directly in charge of essential oil farming operations. Every other company I researched goes through some kind of an “oil broker” to buy their oils. They have to trust that the oil broker is telling the truth, who has to trust that the essential oil distilleries are telling the truth, who have to trust that the farmers are telling the truth about what they say they are doing.
With Young Living, you just have to trust one company instead of several.
I feel like it’s a trust step either way (anyone could be lying) but I felt the most comfortable trusting Young Living since they are a full-disclosure company. ANYONE can visit the farms, participate in the harvesting and distillation, view the Young Living labs, and see the entire process. That’s not an option with any other company.
Does Young Living only sell essential oils?
The answer to this one was surprising to me when I first got my starter kit! Young Living actually has an entire line of personal care products, supplements, meal replacements, energy drinks, and more! Almost every product incorporates essential oils (for example, frankincense is absolutely wonderful in facial products), but there’s a wide variety of products available.
Hi I just placed an order of the premium starter kit! ☺ I was just wondering in order for me to recieve the october bonus do you need me to send my address to you or do you already have that information through the order?
I am confused…I went through it all, put in my info and then it took me to the order screen in my Virtual Office. There’s nothing in my Recent Orders and nothing said there was a confirmation of my order….how do I make sure I don’t double order?
Hi Keona!
I just emailed you!!! 🙂
Oh no! Please tell me the dates are off! The top says this is valid 11/22-11/30 (so I stopped there and bookmarked it because I was so disappointed to miss it last year!) but as I read it completely tonight I saw it said by October 31st! Which is correct?
You are still good! 🙂 Especially since I’m replying late! LOL
Is this deal [including the $20 paypal/mamazon bonus] still active? The post seems to be from January 2015, but it says deadline is October 31st….is that of 2015? Thanks!
Hi Amy!
This is still active, but only until March 6th (tomorrow). I’m not sure if we’ll be able to offer it after that. We are still waiting to hear form corporate! Thanks!!! 🙂 Email me at steph@debtfreespending.com if you have any questions! 🙂
I signed up for the promotion and wonder if you received my information to qualify for the Feb specials. I filled out the corresponding paperwork. I have been added to the facebook group but that is the only update I have gotten. Thanks.
Hi Amy!
I just emailed you! It will come from steph@debtfreespending.com. Email me back, and we will get to the bottom of why you’re not showing up in my virtual office!!!
Is this still available?
Hi Jenn!
Yes! Please email me with any questions!! Steph@debtfreespending.com
Hi, jut wondering if this offer is still available. Thanks! 🙂
Hi Tara!
Yes, I just emailed you! 🙂
I was hoping this was still available today too! A friend emailed me the link last night.
Is this still available today? And to be clear we get $70 back via PayPal?
Is this still available?
Yes Brenda!
It is! 🙂
Question, so if I sign up this month I can get $50 on amazon gift cards or other ways etc ?
Thanks, katina
That’s exactly right Katina! 🙂
Hi, Wanting to order the premium kit and do the $100 back offer. Do I just follow the link and place the order or do I need to send you some info too? Thanks!
I just got the link that my friend shared with me. Is that $100 rebate offer still good?
Hello. Just checking to see if you are still offering a promotion with the starter kit. The date on the post and the dates on the comments are confusing me just a little! 🙂 Thanks in advance.
Hello! I am so confused. This post is dated 2016, but all of the comments are from 2014 and 2015… Is this promotion bonus offer still available?