When it comes to stuffing Easter baskets, some families go as high end as possible, but we still believe there are some GREAT inexpensive baskets stuffers that have stood the test of time and will hold your child’s interest!! When picking our top stores to find these products, we have limited the stores choices to find these products at the best price (in our area) to Dollar Tree, Target ($1 bins), Walmart, and Big Lots. However, any dollar type store will do! Check out our 10 fun-filled inexpensive ideas below!!
1.Play-doh– This is still a chidhood favorite! Who doesn’t love to create!!
2. Loom bands.
3. Bubbles- You can’t beat Dollar Store prices on this!!!
4.Hot Wheels Cars- In our area, Walmart STILL has the best price on these. Our Dollar Tree doesn’t carry the Hot Wheels brand, and no kid wants the bo-bo brand, unless they’re younger than 4!
5.Sidewalk Chalk– This is such a great way to teach kids letters and words! Plus they love being creative and having a HUGE sidewalk canvas to draw!!
6.Stickers- My local Dollar Tree has the BEST deals on these! I have seen some stickers in the Target $1 bins, but Dollar Tree had a better selection.
7.Markers, Crayones, Colored Pencils-There are SOOOO many new items from Crayola and other companies that have put art supplies on steroids! My son’s favorite are the CRAYOLA PIP-SQUEAK 16CT MARKER (cheaper on Amazon even WITH shipping than in most stores), and he loves the Crayola 24ct Mini Twistables Crayons
8.Finger Paints- While the most messy of fillers we’ve listed, it is one of the most fun for kids!
9. Goldfish- These are better than candy, yet still food! Plus, most kids LOVE Goldfish!!
10. Gum- Although gum can be sugary too, you can always buy sugar free! Just know that it contains Xyletol and other artificial sweeteners that may hasten your kiddo’s trips to the bathroom!
11. Silly Putty OR the Bendable Rabbitt- While not the most educational, we still feel that every child should have these in their basket at least ONCE in their life! LOL
At Walgreens the other day, they had some of the Crayola stuff on clearance, including those pip-squeak markers! Also saw some of the color wonder on clearance. In my store these were with the art supplies in the kids’ toys aisle. Also saw some poster board on clearance, the black I think. I got a RoseArt color-your-own sticker set in a box in the same place on clearance. This is a YMMV. There were random other things in my Easter aisle on clearance like some baskets, bubbles, and Easter sticker books.