Today we’re going to take a few minutes to talk about WHY you need to pamper YOU! I talk to SO MANY women on a daily basis who do NOT feel they have time to take care of themselves. I hear the common reasons such as busyness with day-to-day responsibilities, caring for children (and sometimes hubby), lack of finances, etc. You have to understand that self-care does NOT require super expensive trips to the Spa. Our society now sees ultimate relaxation in more expensive outings such as spa treatments, cruises, new clothes, etc. However, today we’re going to discuss LESS expensive ways to take care of yourself. You will find that you will have MORE patience for your family if you take the time to take care of you! Please read our tips, and leave comments on how YOU take care of yourself!
1. Do what you love- If you love to read, sing, hike, journal, walk, run, yoga, etc., then GO DO IT! Set aside at least 30 minutes every other day (Or at least ONCE in the next week) to do something you love.
2. Get Moving- The CDC stated in a study that “Percent of adults 18 years of age and over who engaged in regular leisure-time physical activity: 35%. That means that 65 out of 100 of us are NOT doing something physical! I HATE to be the one to say it, but NO ONE else can take care of you- YOU have to take care of you! Being healthy and developing a healthy lifestyle is that number one way to increase your overall outlook on life, and the best part is, exercising DOESN’T have to cost anything! Put some music on in your headphones, and walk up and down the steps in your house, or dance to your favorite music (Yes, I’ve actually done this one).
3. Have someone in your family give you a manicure- You don’t have to go to the Salon to have a makeover. Remember when we were little, we would have make-over parties with our friends? Well, you’re never to old to have one- just add some Sangria! Light a few candles, get out the wine, and have your friends over to have some girl time! As an adult, I would like to find just enough time to trim my nails, but it is essential to make yourself feel “girly” every once in a while.
You can make it as big or small of a production as you want! I’ve had my mother, husband, or friend paint my nails. Even taking the time to paint them myself makes me feel better! Follow our deals long enough, and you shouldn’t be paying much to get the supplies you need!
4. Invest in a Paraffin Dip machine. Many Sunday evenings have been spent with my mom and I giving each other Parffin Dips. They are SO relaxing, and your hands are SO SMOOTH afterward. This Revlon RVSP3501B1 Moisturestay Quick Heat Paraffin Bath runs around $34.99 on Amazon, and would probably qualify for FREE shipping since it’s over $25. This is a GREAT time of year to do these dips, because they feel so warm and cozy!!
5. Take the time and go shave, take a hot bath, and lotion up! Your skin is your largest organ, and putting lotion on feels SO GOOD!! This is especially true if you struggle with dry skin! Right now there is a GREAT Bath & Body Deal for lotion! It is amazing how much better you feel just from putting on lotion!
6. Have a date night- Whether you’re married, or have a significant other, take some time to work on your relationship. As a teacher, and as someone who has been married almost 15 years, this is one of the number one lessons I want to teach my children. A happy relationship MUST be nurtured, and it doesn’t have to be expensive.
This is especially difficult once you have children, because a babysitter can be expensive. So, one thing I recommend is having a date night swap with friends. I have to admit, hubby and I are very spoiled, because until this point, we have never had to hire an outside babysitter for a date night. We have plenty of grandparents who want to spend time with our son. However, if we didn’t, I would SERIOUSLY take part in a date night swap, where you watch the kids one weekend, and your friends watch them the next.
7. Give/get a massage. This is the EXACT table we own. We give each other massages pretty much every week. It has saved me over $5,000 (not that I EVER spent that much) from going to the spa. My love language is physical touch (from the best selling book by Gary Chapman-The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts), and hubby knows it. In the last year he has capitalized on that and earned many “points” with me! LOL
These are just SOME of my “Home Spa” types of treatments that I use to take care of myself at a fraction of the cost!
[…] Health And Aging IssuesInterview with Dr. Gabriel Cousens, raw foods pioneer and founder7 Tips for Taking Care of Yourself WHILE Saving Money! (Women Only) .recentcomments a{display:inline !important;padding:0 !important;margin:0 !important;} […]