Our reasons why an organized schedule keeps you in budget make so much sense when you start to think about it. Not only will a solid schedule for your family keep you on task, it will reflect in your household budget. Being able to slash your debt in half happens when you are organized and focused. If you are like us and seeking true financial freedom, these things are going to become a focus in your home. Check out all of our Spending Freeze posts.
Why An Organized Schedule Keeps You In Budget
No more back tracking and added gas expenses. Have you ever forgotten about an appointment and basically back tracked multiple times wasting gas and time? Even these little side trips can end up in a lot of money out of pocket over the course of time. Not to mention how much time is wasted in the process. Time is valuable and can easily result in your budget being hit. Make sure to print our Family Binder to help keep you organized!
Better productivity with work equals more money made. If you are self-employed, have a home business or work from home like many individuals do, an organized schedule keeps you in budget by keeping you productive. When you are working on a schedule you are less likely to drop the ball on projects, miss deadlines or feel overwhelmed. You may even find more room in your schedule to do additional projects to make more money.
No forgotten appointments or meetings. Some appointments being missed can cost you money. If you have an organized schedule, you are less likely to miss a client meeting, or even that doctors visit that will charge your co-pay whether you make it or not. Keeping your appointments and meetings can be hugely beneficial to your budget in the long run.
Bills get paid in a timely manner. When your schedule is in tact, you manage to get everything done. That includes things like organizing your bills, scheduling and paying them on time. When your schedule is out of whack and you are too busy, things get pushed aside and you quickly forget about those important items that should be handled immediately each month.
Organization in your life really does help you to get rid of debt, pay off bills and even add money to your savings. Keeping your home organized, from rotating food in your pantry to making sure your family schedule is up to date can make a big difference in your end of month budget. Start working toward those financial goals today by getting more organized in every area of your life.
We’re over half-way through our 31 Day Spending Freeze Challenge. Comment below on something you have learned from the first half of the program.
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