Thanks to Brookie’s Baby Bargains for this week’s Diaper Round Up!!!!
This Week’s Diaper Bargains:
About Brooke:
My name is Brooke. I am a cloth diapering, couponing, bargain hunting, shop-a-holic mother to a beautiful baby girl, M. I am the wife of almost 6 years to my amazing husband. I am finding that I am the happiest I have ever been being a stay at home mom. I never thought I could be so excited by things like cloth diapers, baby clothes and formula coupons. I learn something new from my daughter each day. I thought I had motherhood all figured out when I was pregnant. I read all the books and did all the research. Some things have gone as planned and others haven’t. I am learning to go with the flow and enjoying every minute of being a mom. I spend hours entering baby item giveaways and hunting for bargains and decided to share what I find with all of you! Brookie’s Baby Bargains features baby bargains, giveaways, reviews, make your own how-to’s and about my journey as a first time mom.
Add a link to any great diaper deals that you have found in the linky below:
Thanks for posting this! 🙂 I’m looking forward to this being a weekly feature.