This my 83 year-old Grandma, Amelia -a.k.a. Tuggie – pronounced “too” as in took ghee. The one on the right, in case you were wondering! My grandma has never been too many places in the US, except on the East Coast (Maine, Myrtle Beach, Ohio, and PA of course!). So, in the next week, we’re starting a multi-week cross country excursion! We’re going to be showing you pictures (in a blog post) of Grandma Tuggie somewhere in the United States using our new Blackberry Z10 phone thanks to Verizon Wireless! Check back regularly for our pics and see if you can figure out all the locations! Then comment them on this post at the end of our trip (by August 1st), and you’ll be entered to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card!!!
Location #1
Location #2: MAJOR clue in this one!
Location #3: TWO Photos so that you can make an educated guess! he he
Location #4:
Think Full House!! We couldn’t get Grandma in this picture! It was too hard for her to get out of the car to be in the picture!!
Location 1: Grand Canyon
Location 2: Hollywood Hill
Location 3: Walk of Fame
Location 4: San Francisco
Kaitlyn: You are the winner of our $25 Gift Card! Please email me at and I will send over your Amazon Code!! congratulations!!!!