Many of you know that I’m a teacher by day and a blogger by night! I start school this coming Thursday, and I know several of you have kiddos that have already started! I know how I feel on the first day of school, so I’m sharing my Top 10 Tips to Making Your Child Feel Special on the First Day of School list! While you’re here, check out our list of Best Childrens Books and our article “Back to School on a Budget.” We also have a FREE Printable School Binder! We LOVE ours!
First Day Of School
1. Kiss them goodbye that morning and wave as they get on the bus or out of the car. I don’t care how old your kids get, they should always get at least a goodbye hug, kiss, or wave on the first day! That’s a given!
2. If they pack their lunch, include a special note telling them you hope they have a good day. If they don’t pack the first day, place a special envelope with a note in their bookbag. (Print our FREE printable School Notes here!)
3. Pray with your child that morning. Pray that they will have a great day, and that God will protect them and help them make new friends. Pray for their teacher too!
4. Make sure your child knows where their classroom is located, and go in with them if they don’t. Our school has “Back to School” night the week before school starts so that they can see their classroom ahead of time and know where it is located. Make sure your child is comfortable going in by him/herself on that first day. Remember how you felt each first day of school, and then realize that your child may or may not feel the same way as you felt.
5. Tell your child in advance that you’re going to set aside 15-30 minutes at the end of the school day to hear all about their first day. Make it a point to follow through with that plan.
6. Take your child for a special treat at the end of the first day of school. This can be something as simple as ice cream or take them to the park or their favorite place.
7. Have a (small) gift for your child. My son LOVES Trash Packs, so my plan is to have one of the smaller (Under $5.00) packs for him wrapped up when he walks in the door.
8. Have a snack/drink ready when they get off the bus. My son is usually starving by the time the bus gets home (It’s almost 4:00p.m. when his bus arrives). So, I usually try to have a snack and drink ready each day as soon as he gets off the bus. I work full-time so this is not always easy, but it’s important for a smooth transition into our evening time.
9. Give them some time to blow off steam before starting homework. The first day has probably been pretty stressful for them, with learning new teachers, students, and routines. While it is important that they not procrastinate about homework, they still need some “me” time (Don’t we all need me time after work?)!
10. Listen. Take the time to just listen to your child throughout the evening. I know it’s tough when you’re trying to make dinner, get kids to practice, etc. However, it’s especially important to recognize that this is a big day for your child.
great ideas!
Thanks so much. You might want to check and search Ann Marie Hannon for a special poem to share with children to make them feel brave about The First Day of School.