When we’re kids, we know exactly what we want for Christmas, and it’s every single toy in the Big Book or whatever other wish book we were looking at that year. As adults, we tend to shift the focus away from ourselves and think about what to get for others rather than what we want for ourselves! This year, a great group of bloggers has teamed up to give away a prize that is high on the wish list of many parents, something for their children!
BubbaMack | Making Some Cents | Midwest Coupon Clippers | Shopper’s Haul | Savin’ Green Mom | Coupon Clipinista | Savvy Shopper Central | Money Saving Parent | The Deal Matchmaker | Baby Coupons and Stuff | It’s Yummilicious | I am a Couponer | My Couportiera | Mommies and Beyond | Jennifer’s Savings | Debt Free Spending
There will be three winners drawn on December 5th:
(1) $75 Toys R Us Gift Card
(2) $20 Amazon Gift Card
Please enter me! Thank you 🙂