Ahhhh….. Clearance Racks! This is one of my FAVORITE places to shop in a store. Shopping sales is really a big math game of percentages. Each week, you have only so much money coming in, so why would you spend more money on something that will be less expensive in the future. Also, if a new shirt is $50 now, most likely, it will be on clearance for $15-$25 in the next three months.
So, I’m compiling some tips for you to Clearance shop at your best!
Tip #1: Don’t buy something where the price is STILL higher than at another store. My favorite example of the higher price is TARGET. Their clearance items (clothing and household goods) are STILL priced higher than other stores. I have seen clothes there that are poor quality and more expensive than Clearance items at the Mall!!!
Tip #2: Don’t pass up a good buy just because you think you don’t need it. REMEMBER, purchasing items on Clearance now can be kept in your gift closet for birthdays, Christmas, and special events. I have purchased MANY items on sale, only to have a birthday come up that I forgot, and when I need a gift in a pinch, I go to my gift closet!I also buy newborn clothes off-season and keep them in my gift closet, because eventually someone is going to have a baby! LOL If for some reason you don’t use the clothes in a year or two, they can always be donated to families in need!
Tip #3: Many times, I purchase my son’s clothing for next year at the end of the season. In the early spring, I purchased a TON of sweat pans and shirts for gym days at $3 a piece, when they were normally close to $10. I also purchase clothes for myself for the next year. This is even easier, because my weight does not fluctuate much, and I’m usually the same size from season to season. Many times last year’s fashions are still acceptable this year!
Tip #4: Don’t buy the ugly items just because they’re cheap. If you see a shirt that is on sale, but it’s hideous, DON’T buy it as a gift for someone. If you don’t like it, they probably won’t either. You know the shirt I’m talking about. The one with glitter, sequins, or some off-the-wall color that is ALWAYS left on the rack at the end of the season! LOL
Tip #5: Big Brand stores such as Michael’s have a side-walk sale almost constantly. I have scored SO MANY 10cent items in those bins! I just picked up Charger Plates for Thanksgiving for .60 a piece! Make sure you know where your favorite stores keep their clearance items, and check them regularly.
Tip #6: PLEASE do not be one of those people who think that Clearance buying is for poor people. If so, then you need a PARADIGM SHIFT in your thinking! You are a purchaser for your home “company,” and WHY would you pay more. Get rid of thinking that the more you spend shows someone how much you care about them. Being cheap would be giving such a small gift, even the giftee knows you only paid so much for it. However, gauge the normal (non-clearance) price of your item, and they’ll assume that’s how much you spent!
Please continue to use these tips as you shop, and put all your savings into a Savings Account! A friend of mine did this over 5 years, and saved $30,000. They’re going on a cruise this winter!
I love the clearance racks too! I keep track and almost all the cute stuff I gotta have goes on sale and gets put on the clearance racks a few months later! =) I just had to learn the art of buying clothes BEFORE the season we need them. It’s awesome, and I also love secondhand shopping. =D