Choosing the right products to use for your body, as well as for your whole family can be a daunting task, with so many choices out there. As women especially, we are inundated with so many options and many say “all- natural” or “pure” and then you read the ingredients and find that is not necessarily the case! This list is meant to be helpful for you in order to know just what is in a product that you are possibly choosing for yourself, before you buy it, and to help you know exactly what harm it could actually do. This is why we use Young Living Essential Oils in many of our homemade body care product recipes.
Our skin is our largest organ and it takes those chemicals right in, and will affect every body system we have. We hear a lot about what not to eat, but not as much as this side of our health, and the toxins we can be putting in our systems just with these type of products can really be causing us damage and we don’t even know it. Many can cause damage to a fetus, or cause cancer. is one of my favorite sites to learn more about what I should or shouldn’t use on my body.
Common Chemicals Found in Body Care Products
Here are the top 10 Body care products we use & their worst chemicals and effects they can have:
Shampoo – Most shampoos have an average of more than 15 chemicals in them, and this is going right into our scalp, closer to our brain than anything! The most worrying are: Sodium Lauryl Suplhate, Propylene Glycol, & Methylisothiazone. Possible Side effects: Neurological damage in fetus, irritation,& possible eye damage
Hairspray – Average number of chemicals in hairsprays: 11. (To me, I would think there would be more in this than the shampoo, so that’s concerning all by itself!) The most worrying are: Octinoxate & Isophthalates. Possible side effects: Allergies, hormone disruption, irritation to the eyes, nose and throat, and changes in your cell structure.
Eye Shadow – There are normally at least 26 chemicals in eye shadow! Most worrying: Polythylene, & Terephlalate. Possible side effects: Linked to cancer, infertility, hormone disruption and damage to the body’s organs.
Foundation – Average number of chemicals: 26! Most worrying: Polymethyl Methylcrylate. Possible side effects: Disrupts your immune system, Allergies & is linked to cancer
Lipstick – There are 33 chemicals on average in lipsticks and we put them right on our mouths. The most worrying: Polymenthyl, & Methacrylate. Possible side effects: Allergies and linked to cancer
Perfume – This one is scary! 250 chemicals on average on perfumes and we wonder why people complain of a headache or feeling sick sometimes when they smell them! Most worrying: Benzyldehyde, Toluene. Possible Side effects: Sperm damage, Linked to cancer, hormone disruption, Irritant to organs, migraines
Deoderant – Has on average 32 chemicals! Most worrying: Aluminum Zirconium, & Isopropyl Myristate. Possible Side effects: Irritant to organs, hormone disruption, linked to cancer.
Nail Polish – Average number of chemicals: 33. Most worrying: Phthalates. Possible side effects: Linked to hormone disruption, fertility issues, linked to cancer, and problems with fetus development.
Body Lotion – Average of 32 chemicals. Most worrying: Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Polythylene glycol (which is also found in common household cleaners! This should tell us something is not right here!) Possible side effects: Rashes, Irritation, Allergies, Hormone disruption
Fake Tanning Products – Average number of chemicals: 22. Most worrying: Ethylparaben, Methylparaben and Propylparaben. Possible side effects: Rashes, Irritation and hormone disruption.
These are just some of the negative effects that many of these body care products can have on the human body. This is why we make almost all of our own personal care products with Young Living Essential Oils. Check our our DIY recipes for deodorant, lip balm, hand sanitizer, moisturizer, and more! Do you have a favorite homemade recipe? Comment it below!
I didn’t know that there are so many chemicals especially in the hairspray. I have to think twice before purchasing next time.