I’m so excited that we teamed up with some of our blogger friends to bring you this awesome giveaway! One winner will receive a $200 Container Store gift card just in time for the holidays! Read our post series
You can enter daily over the next two weeks and earn bonus entries by sharing the giveaway with your friends on social media. Good luck!
Prize: $200 The Container Store Gift Card
Co-hosts: Notoriously Dapper // Busy Mommy // Lovely Etc. //
Fluttering Lashes // Pink Cupcakes & Paper// Jenn’s Blah Blah Blog // Juggling Act Mama // The Mich Mix
Giveaway organized by:Oh My Gosh Beck!
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. Giveaway ends 10/15 and is open worldwide.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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I would love to organize my kid’s closet. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
I would love to organize our extra room. It’s kind of been a catch-all and needs to be organized before it drives me crazy!
i want to organize my bathroom.
under the sink is a mess.
I need to organize my closet
Kitchen Closet
The entire house! I would start with the kitchen and toys in the living room!
my closets and clothing! Time to purge and organize for my kids, husband and myself!
I’d love to organize the guest bedroom this fall. It has lots of items that don’t belong or plain eye sores. We may need to toss some items. We’d benefit from a storage solution to pretty up that space.
I would love to organize my garage.
So many things could be done with things from the container store. Our garage, our closets, my office….all could be done with this gift card 🙂
I would love to get my closet organized.
I’d love to organize my closet!
OH my gosh, our garage for sure. I can’t wait to get that thing organized!
I need to organize my garage! And it’s perfect weather to do it 🙂
i want to organize my shelves better. anything that is a shelf. lol
The kid’s clothes, toys, and all the makeup, lotions, and stuff like that because I have too much!
I would like to organize my basement.
I would love to organize my childrens rooms.
I would love to organize my closet or “storage” room.
I’d love to organize clothes, and donate a lot of them
I would love to organize my baby girls room this fall!!!
I’d love to organize my husbands home office.
I would love to organize my books
all of my financial records and legal papers