We are so excited to be partnering with several other bloggers to bring you this awesome Couponizer giveaway! One lucky winner will receiving one Couponizer kit for all their couponing needs! Keeping your coupons more organized helps you score better deals AND save more money! This giveaway is sponsored by Debt Free Spending, and will end on 1/28/2013 at 12:00 a.m. If you are interested in ordering a Couponizer, please fill out this form. Good luck!
I keep them in a recipe box. If the coupon is large I have to fold it. When I take it out little ones fall out all over the cart or floor! I really would love to use what you are offering! Thank You for this offer. God Bless.
The couponizer would be a great addition to my current coupon sorting
I keep them in an envelope…not very organized 🙁
My coupon organizer is coming apart and not as interesting as this one. Would love to get a new one!
I use a soft cover binder for the most part but now that I have 2 small children its hard to lug around.
not very well… i put everything in a envelope…
I love coupons!! Coupons love me??………not so much!! I use to use a binder but too time consuming, now I put them in my purse and hope to remember to use them! I need help!!
Would love this to keep my coupons organized rather than just in a ziploc bag
I really need this, my coupons are a MESS!
Good luck everyone! However i do hope i win. My q’s are horrible
I use a coupon organizer but it is falling apart. Definately need a new one and this one is awesome.
I would love to try a new way to keep track of my coupons..plus something smaller than what I use now.
I have them all in categories in my Martha Stewart planner 🙂
I have a notebook I use
I have a binder for my loose/cut coupons and a file box for my inserts.
I have a plastic file from the dollar store