In our last update in April, hubby had a broken foot from a stress fracture that resulted from running on the treadmill with too much weight in his weight loss journey. He has been off for well over eight weeks now. We are thanking the Lord we have paid for short-term disability all of these years, since he has not been able to return to work yet. We are praying that he can go back in the next two weeks.
We continue to be debt free except for our mortgage. We DID decide to get the van fixed with the help of a family member who is allowing us to pay back the $4,000 in repairs – interest free! While this did make us feel that we were going back into debt, we realize that the three year warranty on the transmission is totally worth the cost, and the cost of a new vehicle would have led us down the road of much more debt.
I’m also so grateful to have our Family Binder, which includes our Financial Freedom Plan and our Insurance Info printable. It wasn’t hard for me to find the information that I needed. I’m also so glad we had our Flexible Spending Account to offset medical expenses as well.
Debt Payoff Update for April 2016
- We are actually at a point with our Young Living Essential Oil business, that my husband would no longer need to work. As you can see below, our income was almost $1600 for June. We are also helping other couples achieve financial freedom with their Young Living Essential Oil business. If you have more questions about how to start your own business with us, please email me at steph (at) debtfreespending (dot) com. This business has started to overtake our blogging side-hustle income, and so we are blogging less now so we can devote more time to this business.
- The annual convention for our Young Living Essential Oil business was in Salt Lake City in June. So that our entire family could go and to save money as well, we decided to split the cost of buying a motor home with my mom. This was a huge purchase for our family, but it has been totally worth it, since we will be able to use it for future vacations. We also have been able to pay cash for the few minor repairs we had to make as well. I will definitely be writing a post on how to save money while RV’ing across the United States! We toured Yellowstone and Mount Rushmore after we left convention, and it will be one of the greatest trips of my lifetime. We really felt that this was an example of where the memories we will get from the camper far outweigh the costs. Also, we saved so much money by staying overnight at truck stops and a Walmart for free on the way out and back. This way we only paid for camp ground fees for some of the nights.
- We continue to live as frugally as possible this summer, by buying a local pool pass for our entire family. This is our main form of entertainment when we are home.
- Here are some of my favorite photos from our trip to the Young Living farm in Mona, Utah.
Our little one at the farm planting seedlings.
Both of my boys amongst the lavender plants.
Hubby and I at the entrance of the Mona, Utah farm.
Prayer Requests & Praises:
- Our twenty-year-old camper made it all the way across the United States and back!
- We continue to grow our Young Living business from a side-hustle to a full-time income.
- Please continue to pray for our family as we seek the Lord’s will for our blog and our other side-hustles.
We’re working hard to pay off debt right now. I’m hoping to kick up my freelance writing and earn some more money that way. Looks like you are doing an excellent job with your not-so-side hustle!
Hey Jamie!
Thanks for stopping by! Yes, the Lord has really blessed us this last year, and we just keep seeking His will right now! Good luck with the freelance writing! My sister-in-law has built a business around that this year as well! 🙂