Starting Your Day Right: Devotions for Each Morning of the Year by Joyce Meyer
Devotionals, Religion & Spirituality
Description: Readers are invited to start the morning off right with #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer’s devotions for each day of the year.
About the Author
Joyce Meyer is the bestselling author of more than seventy inspirational books, including THE CONFIDENT WOMAN, LOOK GREAT, FEEL GREAT and BATTLEFIELD OF THE MIND. Joyce’s ‘Enjoying Everyday Life’ radio and television programmes are broadcast around the world, and she travels extensively conducting conferences.
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My Christmas Angels by Jason W. Chan
description: My Christmas Angels is a tragic yet heartwarming Christmas story about Greg, a single father in his twenties, and Angie, his lively six-year old daughter, living in poverty in Vancouver. When they are evicted from their home, they move in with Greg’s ex-girlfriend, Jessica, for whom he still has feelings. Just as their romance blossoms, Angie suffers a concussion and slips into a coma.
Riddled with grief and guilt, Greg stays at his daughter’s side night and day. As the Christmas season approaches, he comes to terms with the possibility that his daughter may never wake up. He is advised to keep busy so he buries his grief in doing good deeds. Uplifted, Greg takes solace in the realization that great tragedy can give birth to great blessings.
My Christmas Angels is a touching and uplifting story of hope and love that captures the spirit of the holiday season.
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Cybill Disobedience by Cybill Shepherd
Autobiography, Memoir
Description: ‘How I survived beauty pageants, Elvis, sex, Bruce Willis, lies, marriage, motherhood, Hollywood, and the irrepressible urge to say what you think.’
From wholesome beauty queen to saucy cover girl, from heartbreaking movie star (THE LAST PICTURE SHOW, TAXI DRIVER) to one of television’s most loved comediennes (MOONLIGHTING, CYBILL), Cybill Shepherd is renowned as sassy, shocking and sexy. In CYBILL DISOBEDIENCE, she opens her heart with the wit and honesty of a star who’s seen and knows it all.
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Cooking, Diet & Weight Loss
Description: This book is a collection of 25 recipes contributed by members of The Harcombe Diet Club. Each recipe has been edited by Zoe Harcombe, author of The Harcombe Diet, Stop counting calories and start losing weight and the recipes all meet the fundamental principles of the diet; simple food, easy to make and delicious to eat. Recipes include crustless quiche, Jamaican pork burgers, Thai inspired stir-fry, seafood chowder and the club famous Mat’s burgers.
original price: $2.99
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From The Dead by John Herrick
Christian Fiction, Mystery & Thrillers
original price: $7.99
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Brave New World Revisited by Aldous Huxley
Description: Aldous Huxley looks backward and forward in this brilliant extended essay published a quarter of a century after his controversial, dark visionary novel. Analyzing America at mid-century against the world of tomorrow, Huxley finds some answers and asks more questions.
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