Head over HERE to see if there is a local screening near you!!! These are mostly for this week and next, but go NOW if you want one!!! You can order up to 4 passes!!!!
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by Steph 3 Comments
Head over HERE to see if there is a local screening near you!!! These are mostly for this week and next, but go NOW if you want one!!! You can order up to 4 passes!!!!
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do you know how the access codes work with these? when I request one, it doesnt have Brave as a movie option and the FAQ’s have no information about it. Does that mean its full? my requested theater is still a selectable option. thanks for any tips, I’ve not used this before.
It’s the same here, and since the other two movies are available on the Access Code request page, I’m assuming they received an onslaught of requests and they’re going through them to verify which screenings are closed or not. Time to keep refreshing that page… 😉
There are no codes available for this show 🙁