Parents and Teachers: Need a website to send your kiddos to?
Each week, we will share three of our favs.
Can’t wait to hear what you think? We really have enjoyed for a few grade levels. My 10-year old, Veronica, is going into 5th grade. This site has a slew of short games to help reinforce Language Arts and Math concepts. Some games we have to explain and help her, but she is able to figure most of them out on her own.
Math word problems stress my daughter out 🙁 I was asking around and a math teacher introduced us to As often as I can find the opportunity, I share one of Bedtime Math’s short ‘stories’. Their real world fact-based word problems are always so fun and interesting!
Ever run out of bedtime books to read?? Check out our favorite online book site: My daughter and I take turns picking and reading books to each other at bedtime. I especially appreciate the ‘sort’ option, to narrow down by age, interest, author etc.
What websites do you use?
We’d love to hear about them in the comments below, and share with other families. Have a wonderful week.
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