That is right…The next 24 hours is all about telling YOU “Thank You for being a loyal reader”. We want you all to know how much we appreciate you. So, this week there are 20 blogs joining together to give you a chance at 1 of 3 gift cards. You even get to choose how you want your prize.
This week you will have the opportunity to win one of 3 gift cards:
- $50 – Winner’s Choice – Paypal Cash or Amazon Gift Card
- $30 – Winner’s Choice – Paypal Cash or Amazon Gift Card
- $20 – Winner’s Choice – Paypal Cash or Amazon Gift Card
During this 24 hours you have tons of opportunities to enter the giveaway. You can enter on every blog listed below. We encourage you to hop around and enjoy the view while entering. Also, leave us each a comment to let us know that you have hopped by to enter. This comment will be mandatory for your entries to count. So be sure to click “Enter” on the entry method of “Leave a Blog Post Comment”, so you can gain an extra entry for that too. Also, just know that you can and we encourage you to enter on each blog. We have set up separate Rafflecopters so that we can accomplish this. All entries will be pooled together to choose the winners.
Participating Blogs This Week:
Just hopping by, thanks!
I am hopping by! Thank you! 🙂
I’m hopping by and I would use the money if I won to save towards gifts I have to buy through the year. Thanks!
some much needed clothing for myself…
just dropping by to enter, may stop a few more places on the way
My daughters car needs a new water pump, so it would go towards that.
spend on self lol
Hopping buy and I would use it for gas/groceries…Thanks!
Buy my present.
I’m hopping around to enter the giveaway! I would use the money to find more deals!
cat food for my 11 babies 🙂
Buy some clothes for my boys.
A special gift for my husband for Valentine’s Day!! He’s always getting me amazing gifts!
I can’t tell you guys how very excited I am about this giveaway!
Thanks so much for the chance to win something so nice! =)
Thanks for the chance! I am just hoppin’ by.
Sorry forgot to mention that I would purchase groceries.
on bills
I have been running a little short on funds since Christmas, so if I won I would use the money to buy groceries! Thanks so much for the chance! =)
Thanks for the giveaway!
I would probably use it to buy books.
thank you so much, i will use this for groceries
I would use the money to pay off a very small debt I have online. Thank you for the giveaway. Hugs. 🙂
Gas for the month!
I would use it for a gift for myself for my birthday thats just a week away
if I win this will help make my daughters 16th bday that much better (its on the 18th)
I would buy something for my kids.
go shopping for essentials:)
This would be so helpful. We might even get a treat for the family.
I would probably spend it on my kids
I’m hopping… but carefully… very muddy out 😉
Hopping by…hop I win.
I would buy something for my husband! Thanks for the giveaway!
Thank you for the giveaway
If I won I would buy South Florida Fair tickets.
I would pay bills
i would catch up on some after xmas bills, that would sure help
I AM roswell ON BLOGS THAT USE GFC NAMES IN COMMENT ARE and stacey dempsey on rafflecopter
buy my hubby a gift for V-day.
thank you! it would go towards my kindle fund!
I would use it to go toward a present for the hubbs for our anniversary! 😀
I really need to stock up on wipes and diapers for my LO coming in Feb. I’d use the money for that!
I’m hoping to win to spend the money on birthdays this year. My son turns one in March.
Would use for groceries, and the same amount from the paycheck can then go to debt!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
Says I left a comment but I can’t find it!
Toward Bills!!!!
My sons 1st birthday is coming up so i would use it for him..Thank you!!
I would get some photography equipment.
I want to win! If I do, I might buy a Kindle.
Saving up for a little trip for my husband and I.
I would buy a present for my goddaughter.
I am saving up for an Ipod or a kindle fire
Groceries 🙂
I’d spend it on stuff for our unborn baby!
I would buy groceries.
If I win I will put the money towards bills. Thanks for the giveaway, not working so this will help a lot!! *fingers crossed*
I’d buy some DVDs.
I will buy some much needed supplies for the shelter. Thnxs 4 the opportunity!
saving for vacation
I would save it to be able to pay for my kids Christmas this year!! Thank you so much for the giveaway!!!
Thank you for the chance to win.
i would buy some more protein powder!
katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
I would spend it on my kids
Just hopping by! Thanks for the chance!
If I won, I would pay bills with the money! Thanks again for the opportunity to enter!
use it to pay off bills since my car just needed a ton of money put into it 🙁
thanks again!
Hopping by to say hi & thanks!
I’d put the money towards overdue bills.
Just hopping by! I would probably use the money for gas!
I would probably use it towards gifts for my sons birthday this year. He turns for but because he was a leap year baby, technically he turns 1.
thanks for the giveaway!
oh duh! going towards the rent. no longer getting unemployment…99’er here!
i’d be putting it in my travel fund
Get some workout clothes!
I would give it to my sis, beccalee29730 for travel to chemo
gas money
take my daughter out for her birthday!
Bills probably. Thanks!!!
Tuition 🙂
Hopping by! I would use it for books and supplies.
It would go toward gas and groceries. I live on the wild side, I know.
This would go for collage supplies for my girl.
I would buy some ebooks
Not sure what I would buy; I might save it for a special night out with the hubby! Wishing!!
Hopping by!! Thanks!
Just hopping by. Thanks for the giveaway. I think I would buy myself the Christmas present I did not receive.
I’d put it towards groceries and bills.
Help my son pay for some more books 🙂 (or a kindle.)
Hopping by to enter. I’d use the money for groceries or clothes. Thanks!
If I won, I would either use it to get the kids some spring/summer clothes!
I recently had some unexpected expenses come up. I would put the money toward my CC bill.
I would use it to buy groceries!! Thank you for the chance!!
I would use the money to help pay my bills
Hoppin’ in and if I win will spend it on some needed home supplies.
I need a new toaster and a veggie chopper
i would use the money for groceries
I’m going to buy some really good quality henna so I can dye my hair auburn red – I’ve always wanted red hair and I’m excited to try henna!
I would add it to our grocery budget.
I will spend it on my baby
I have a slow leak on the back tire of my truck. 🙁
I don’t know just yet what I would use the money for, but I’m sure something will come up.
Hopping by to enter!!!