This month I have several goals I would like to reach, and I feel that the best way to do that is to have an accountability partner. Now I have about 20,000 accountability partners, so I’m taking a BIG step by sharing these with you! My goals for this month include personal goals, financial goals, and a few goals that I may even keep to myself. However, there is no better way to reach your goals than to share them, so I’m going out on a limb, and letting the world know the marks I’d like to hit this month.
1. Pray for someone else at least five minutes every day.
2. Exercise 2-3 times a week. I was wogging (Walk/joggin) 4-5 times a week before I started blogging, so I’d like to start getting back on track! 🙂
3. Reorganize at least one pantry and one closet.
1. Spend no more than $70 on groceries each week.
2. Pay down at least $400 in debt this month.
3. Eat out no more than 2 times all month (This includes drive through food!)
It’s sort of scary to see my goals in print, and think that I’m sharing them with many people, but hopefully, we can all grow through this together! We will check in over the next several weeks, and hopefully everyone can have some grace for me whether I meet my goals or not! 🙂
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