Welcome to our 35 Days to an Organized Home Challenge! Today we’re discussing how to start organizing when you don’t know where to start! This has been a question from some of our readers who are overwhelmed. We’ve created a video for you below which will help you to develop SMALL steps to organizing your home. Some people literally have said to us, “but I just don’t know where to start.” Even though we’ve broken it down to the very basics by emphasizing working on your kitchen/bathroom first on a daily basis, we have the following guidelines as well (in addition to the video) help you overcome any anxiety you might have about where to begin your organizing journey.
OUR EBOOK IS HERE! 25 Days to an Organized Home Challenge: Revolutionize Your Life and Gain More Time
for only $2.99! We’ve had over 12,000 downloads!!!
– See more at: http://www.debtfreespending.com/keep-home-organized-less-30-minutes-day/#sthash.ahLreBTX.dpuf
Baby Steps:
1. Clear the clutter in your kitchen every day. This is from the very FIRST video in the 35 Days to an Organized Home Challenge Post.
2. Clear the clutter in your bathroom every day.
Once you have maintained these two systems for several days, check out our video below for setting next step goals!!!!
For those who don’t have You Tube: Set a 15 minute maintenance goal once you’ve mastered the two steps above. Then, set a 15 minute organizational goal, where you actually work on a new organizing system. This could be your laundry, your mail, your filing/paperwork, etc. However, the video breaks it down into small steps!
Hi Steph,
I stumbled upon your website and realized that you looked so familiar . You were teaching @ Mary B Sharpe when my kids were going there. Your site has been very helpful and I look forward to more tips on couponing!!!