There are a few circumstances in which your loans can be discharged, but you will need to complete paperwork for all of them. To obtain the paperwork and make sure you know what information must be submitted please contact your individual servicers if you believe you are eligible for any type of discharge. SCHOOL CLOSURE…
*HURRY* $5/5 Kellogg’s Cereal!
Go HERE to and select Foods to find the $5/5 Kellogg’s Cereal coupon , but HURRY these will go FAST!
Convert Your Memories to Digital Before They’re Gone!
Save your cherished memories for generations to come! I can’t wait to do this with some of my childhood family movies so that my kids will be able to watch them. Just go to iMemories by clicking HERE. You an sign up to receive more information by email by clicking ‘START NOW’ and entering your…
$650 Extreme Cash Giveaway!!!!
Welcome to the FEBRUARY EXTREME CASH GIVEAWAY! Our last giveaway was a huge success with over 600,000 entries. This time we’re bringing you MORE PRIZES which means MORE CHANCES for YOU to win! We are giving away: (1) $300 Paypal Cash prize (1) $200 Paypal Cash prize (1) $100 Paypal Cash prize (1) $50 Paypal…
Rite Aid Preview for 12/17!!!
Thanks to Must Love Coupons for this AWESOME Rite Aid Preview! [%printable-list:rite-aid-2-19-12%]
Have You Earned Your FREE Gift Cards Yet? Sign Up NOW!
If you haven’t joined Super Points yet get your invite below! This is by far the EASIEST way to earn FREE Gift Cards. You earn points just by signing up and filling out your profile. Then you can earn extra points through emails, completing offers, watching videos or pushing the SUPER LUCKY BUTTON! My kids…
Digitize Your Memories Before They’re Lost Forever
Have you heard about iMemories? They convert your old analog film into digital memories. They can convert any of the following: Betamax VHS VHS-C 8mm Tape MiniDV 8mm Reels Super 8 16mm Reels Photos Negatives Slides Go HERE and click ‘Get Started’ to learn more! Right now they’re even offering 33% off their services Don’t…
$2 Custom T-Shirt!
Right now at Vistaprint you can design a CUSTOM T-Shirt for only $2 plus S&H! There are so many cute designs to choose from. Hurry over HERE and grab yours now!
Don’t Throw Out Your Expired Coupons, Donate Them to Our Troops!
We’re starting something new here at Debt Free Spending that I am really excited about and I hope you will be too! Every time I clean out my expired coupons it hurts my heart to have to throw them away, it’s like throwing away money (surely I’m not the only one who feels this way). …
CVS Preview for This Weekend!
Thanks to Must Love Coupon for this week’s CVS preview!! [%printable-list:cvs-2-19-12%]
*HOT*HOT*HOT* Sony Cyber Shot 12.1 MP for only $54.99!!!!
*HURRY!!!!!!!* Head over to to score this *HOT* Sony Cyber Shot for only $54.99!!! You can buy up to 2 and shipping is $4.99!! HURRY!!! I have owned THREE Cyber Shots, and LOVE them! My mom, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law ALL have one!
Earn Points Towards Gift Cards, Electronics and More With Nielsen Home Scan!
Join Nielsen Home Scan Consumer Panel and earn valuable points, which are redeemable for electronics, household items, jewelry, toy, gift cards, and more (No landline required!). You will be sent a scanner in the mail, which you will use to scan the products that you purchase. This panel has been around a long time, and greatly influences…
Price Chopper Match-ups for This Week!!!
Here are this week’s match-ups for Price Chopper, thanks to I am That Lady!! Don’t miss another deal, Like our Facebook page, or sign-up for our daily newsletter! [%printable-list:pricechopper212%] For the COMPLET E list of Match-ups, CLICK HERE!
Lowes Foods Match-ups for 2/15!!
This week’s Lowes Foods Match-ups are brought to you by Penny Filled Pantry! (2/15) If you would like to receive regular updates on the latest coupons, deals, and tips, Like our Facebook page! [%printable-list:LowesFoodsWeeklyAd215-221%]