For those who are living paycheck to paycheck, here are some great easy ways to organize your budget around your paydays. It can be hard to make sure every bill is paid on time when you live on a tight budget, but these tips will help you to not only manage, but maybe even save….
ABC Family ’13 Nights Of Halloween’ 2015 Schedule
It’s that time of year again! ABC Family has announced its line-up for it’s 13 Nights of Halloween for 2015. Time to break out the popcorn bowl and snuggle up on the couch! Night 1 (Monday, Oct. 19) 1:30 p.m. ET – “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1” 5 p.m. ET – “Harry Potter and the…
Why Payday Loans are a Bad Idea
The title is drastic because we seriously need to get your attention. There are several reasons why Payday loans are bad for your budget. The basic principle behind them is that you take out a loan, and when you get paid, you pay the lender back – plus some (whatever the interest rate is in…
FREE Admission to Over 100 National Parks (11/11/15)
Head over HERE to find out how you can get Free Admission into over 100 National Parks on the following dates: January 19 Martin Luther King Jr. Day February 14–16 Presidents Day weekend April 18–19 opening weekend of National Park Week August 25 National Park Service Birthday September 26 National Public Lands Day November 11 Veterans Day
Keep Your Home Organized in Less Than 30 Minutes A Day (Day 14) #SpendingFreezeDFS
Do you want an organized home? I think most people prefer to have everything in its place. Before you start your organizing journey, we would love to have you read our eBook: 25 Days to an Organized Home Challenge: Revolutionize Your Life and Gain More Time on Kindle. We’ve had over 12,000 downloads! Also, make…
Bridge of Spies – Starts Friday 10/16 #BridgeOfSpies
Have you seen the trailer for the new Spielberg / Tom Hanks movie??? They team up again to bring us a high-quality emotional feature film. The trailer alone, gave me chills… I can’t wait to see it! DreamWorks Pictures’ brings us another best movies of the year, BRIDGE OF SPIES, directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom…
Free Printable Holiday Binder (Day 12) #SpendingFreezeDFS
I’m so excited that we can share this FREE Printable Holiday Binder to place in the back of your Family Binder. We recently wrote a post about How to Have a Debt Free Christmas, and part of that post talked about preparing and planning for the holidays in advance. You have to be organized to be able…
Budgeting Tips For When You Don’t Have A Bank Account (Day 11) #SpendingFreezeDFS
For many people starting out on a plan to get out of debt, a bank account isn’t an option. These budget tips when you don’t have a bank account are perfect as you work toward the transition to financial freedom. Unfortunately, a lot of banks won’t work with you for a checking or savings account…
Five Unique Family Budgeting Methods: Spending Freeze Challenge (Day 10) #SpendingFreezeDFS
To really get out of debt and become financially independent, you will need a budget. Here are 5 unique family budgeting methods that you can consider to help get you on the right track. Many feel like budgets are a waste of time if they are already living paycheck to paycheck, but reality is we…
Disney Aladdin Memory #AladdinBloggers
Disney’s Aladdin Has Escaped the Vault! Celebrate your love of the award-winning movie today, with your own personal copy of of Disney’s Aladdin Diamond Edition on Blu-Ray, DVD, Digital HD and Disney Movies Anywhere! In September, was invited to attend an exclusive blogger press event at Disney Studios in Burbank, California. My group had the privilege of meeting the…
Sitting Down with Brad Bird #TomorrowlandBloggers
On September 21, was specially selected to attend a monumental press event at Disneyland in California: Going to Disneyland! Disneyland 60th Diamond Anniversary Celebration Disney Movies Anywhere Disney Tomorrow Interview with ‘Athena’ and ‘Young Frank’ Sneak Peek – Moana Disney Dreamers Behind the Scenes Meet Eric Goldberg, the Genius Behind the Genie in Aladdin We…
Our Adoption Story: Why I Chose Adoption First
I’ll never forget sitting in the soft leather chair at the doctor’s office at the infertility clinic, and him explaining that we would never have any children without completing the in vitro process. I remember coming home with a feeling of dread and hopelessness. It was like someone had died, my child had died, or…
How to Start Budgeting to Save Money: Spending Freeze Challenge (Day 9) #SpendingFreezeDFS
When an emergency comes up and you are struggling to find the money to handle it, it’s time to start thinking about how to start budgeting a savings plan. We have talked about how to find financial freedom, and your savings account is going to be a cornerstone for that to happen. From making sure…
Connected Home Nest Smart Thermostat 2015 + Nighthawk Netgear DST Router & Sling TV #BBYConnectedHome #Ad
The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free After being homeowners for fifteen years, I can’t believe how technology is changing home ownership. We are in love with this Nest Digital Thermostat from Best Buy. You can…