We have a large collection of bathtub toys that seems to multiply quicker than I can keep track of. And, of course, the kid doesn’t usually do the best job cleaning up afterwards… Do you have this problem too? Here’s what we did: 1. I grabbed a few of our empty gallon milk jugs and…
Friday Favorites (8/14)
Parents and Teachers: Need a helpful website to send your kiddos to? Each week, we will share three of our favs. Can’t wait to hear what you think. CurrClick is a wonderful website to find any kind of material, worksheets, etc. Some are priced, some are free. Membership is free. At this time, there is…
My Struggle With Alcohol: One Woman’s Story (Part 2 – Summer Blues)
It was July 4th weekend when my whole family came for a long weekend visit. I lived near the ocean, so my place was the perfect summer vacation spot. I was so excited and looking forward to having everyone under my roof. At this time, my husband and I were still sleeping in separate rooms…
Project Repat – The Best Thing For T-shirts
Do you suffer from TOO MANY T-SHIRTS-itis like my household? Between the three of us, my family has (accidently) collected a TON of shirts!! [psst, those stacks in the pictures are just mine!] In addition to ‘daily’ shirts, also have a slew of ‘beloved’ shirts. Some are threadbare while others are hardly touched because we…
Patriotic American Mason Jar Craft
I love being an American and I take great pride in my country. I also love mason jar crafts. Put the two together and you got my attention. Add a touch of rustic country to that mix and I swoon. That’s why this craft is one of my very favorites. Difficulty: 2 (out of 5)…
FREE Printable First Day Of Printable School Sign + School Notes
We are so excited to be able to offer our readers these free back-to-school notes and First Day of School signs! Many of you know that I’m a teacher by day and a blogger by night! I start school this coming week, and I know several of you have kiddos that have already started! I…
DIY Toilet Paper Farm Animals
This is so cute! Not to mention fun to make. My 8 year old loved this project and has been playing with it now for over a week. Kid Rated Difficulty: 2 (out of 5) What you’ll Need: 3 toilet paper rolls x-acto knife empty oatmeal container colored pipe cleaners wire snipes paint (I used acrylic…
No-Tie Shoelaces: Introducing HICKIES #Spon
Blogger was compensated with a free product, however, all opinions are entirely my own. We had the privilege to try out this solution to frustrating shoe laces. Introducing… shoe HICKIES!! My 10-year old, Veronica, can tie her own shoelaces – but she is always on the go – and would rather NOT deal with them. Meanwhile,…
School Night Recipes With Savings From Campbell’s #CampbellSavings #ad
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #CampbellSavings #CollectiveBias Now that all of our back-t0-school supplies are purchased, the new clothes are washed and put away, and the bookbag is ready, I’m starting to focus on weeknight meals. Being a teacher makes going back-to-school just…
DIY Giant Bubbles
My daughter, Veronica (age 10), and I have been spending the summer finding fun crafts and activities to do. Check out our latest project: Giant Bubbles! Supplies Needed for the Giant Bubble Wands: Two wooden dowels. [Length does not matter. Longer wands might let you get the bubble up higher in the air so it lasts…
Campbell’s Creative Back-To-School Recipes #CampbellSavings #ad
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #CampbellSavings #CollectiveBias We finished all of our back to school shopping last week, and I feel so relieved to have it finished early this year! I decided that since I have a few extra days on my hands…
How To Become a Minimalist: Purging
A few weeks ago we started our blog post series with How to Become a Minimalist where we included our key steps to living with less. However, we want to take time to focus on each step in depth, to help you overcome obstacles that may slow you down in the process. The first step…
My Struggle With Alcohol: One Woman’s Story (Guest Post)
“I Remember the Morning” It was another lonely night in an otherwise full house. My husband and the step kids were downstairs watching a movie. The Sunday night family dinner was over, the leftovers and dishes were put away and my wine cup was washed and put away. I had a few drinks while preparing and cleaning…
DIY Outdoor Cup Holder
This is such an adorable and easy craft. It is so handy and we just love ours. You can use them around a fire pit, for a cookout, camping or by the pool. I can’t wait to use mine and to hear what people have to say about them. Difficulty: 2 (out of 5) What…