There are a few different methods that most people use to pay off debt, The Snowball Method, and the Interest Rate Method. Picking the best method really depends on your personality. If you are someone who loves to check items off a list quickly, then the Debt Repayment Snowball Method might be your best choice….
DIY Pet Safe Weed Killer
With three dogs and a cat, I’ve been looking for a pet safe weed killer for a long time. My husband made this homemade weed killer that really works that he got from a friend at work and I just had to share! Do you have pets? Check out our DIY All Natural…
Local Happenings
Check out all of the best ways to save in Chambersburg, PA and all of Franklin County, PA! Please submit all events on this google form (Click HERE). Also, join our Facebook group for all the deals, coupons, events, and more. Check out all of our Local Chambersburg Coupons here. $$=Cost to event April 12,…
Good Housekeeping for FREE
Fill out this form and snag a free subscription to Good Housekeeping magazine!
Free Family Binder Printables
Staying organized is so important when trying to save time and money. Our Free Family Binder Printables are definitely going to help you stay organized and the best part is they are free. Keeping paperwork organized is one of our biggest reader complaints, and we wanted to give our readers a way to keep all…
Home Depot: Free Windmill Craft for Kids (May 5th)
Check with your local Home Depot for availability! Discuss the benefits of non-polluting sustainable energy in our hands-on workshop where you and your child can build a model windmill that holds a beautiful seasonal flower or low maintenance herb just in time for Mother’s Day. Once your windmill planter is built, your child can…
Free National Park Membership
If you have a child in 4th grade (or homeschooling equivalent) this year, then your family is eligible for a FREE 1-year National Parks Annual Pass (expires 8/31/18). This pass allows you free access to national parks for your child and ALL children under 16 and even three adults! That’s a huge savings!
FREE Redbox Rental Code Today Only
Snag up two FREE DVD, Blu-ray or one-night video game rentals when you text the codes TECHSTUFF and STUFF to 727272 – valid at a Redbox kiosk, or on the app! Also, it will show up as a game rental, but this is working on DVD’s too. Expires 4/15
Yoga Journal Magazine for only $5
Yoga Journal Magazine is only $5 for a six month subscription! This is a great way for you to try it for cheap and see if you like it!
Chambersburg Local Coupons
Check out all of these Chambersburg Local Coupons! Also, check out our listing of Chambersburg Local Happenings HERE! BJ’s One-Year Inner Circle Membership plus Optional $25 BJ’s Bucks (Up to 56% Off) Harbor Freight coupons Hoss’s: $5 off $30 purchase Regenerate Float Center (Hagerstown): 50% off two sessions Saga Sushi & Hibachi Coupons Super Shoes: $10…
BIC Silky Touch Coupon ($2.00 Off)
I’m super cheap when it comes to shaving my legs, and I literally only use one of these every 2-3 weeks, because I take it out of the shower and put it in a dry place every single day. However, with this coupon it makes them ridiculously cheap. While I have stocked up over the…
Our New Family Story: A Time of Healing From Divorce
This post is extremely hard to write, but after twenty years my marriage has ended and I’m currently a single mom with three boys. This has been extremely difficult for my family. While I won’t divulge personal details, I do want to share that I will again be sharing various ways of saving money on…
FREE Kindle eBooks
JOIN OUR ORGANIZED LIVING FACEBOOK GROUP! THIS KINDLE FREEBIE LIST will not longer be updated. Thank you so much to our loyal readers who have supported this post for over six years. However, we have been called to do new things with this blog. Keep a lookout for new posts!
Young Living Essential Oil Kit Giveaway
Two years ago my husband had to use an inhaler everyday for his asthma. It wasn’t until we found Young Living and their Thieves Cleaner that he was able to be inhaler-free ten months out of the year. We love this cleaner so much, we decided to giveaway this Thieves Home Cleaning Kit ($80 value!)…