After having our son last summer, I found many unconventional ways to save. These tips for having a baby on a budget are going to get rid of the chronic excuse that you can’t afford to expand your family. From savings on prenatal care, to being able to afford the basic baby supplies, these tips will help you to make growing your family feasible on your low budget. We also have a great post on How to Make Your Own Baby Wipes.
Tips For Having A Baby On A Budget
Start shopping baby deals ahead of time. I purchased enough diapers before my son was born to last a year and half. These were all part of deals at various stores. Each time a deal would pop up for diapers, I made sure to hit the store as soon as possible to make sure it didn’t sell out. I also started shopping for things like baby food as soon as my son was born, so I knew it would still be within the “best by” date, but still save money.
Ask for samples. When I had to supplement breastfeeding with formula, I asked the doctor for extra samples. I was able to score hundreds of dollars in free formula, because I asked each time I went to their office. My sister also had a baby around the same time, and several of her friends were given samples, so when they would offer free cans they didn’t want she asked them for me, and I saved that way as well.
Use your coupons. While I did pump for an entire year, I still had to supplement, so every time I could get formula coupons I would use them. Some came in the mail directly to our house, and others I put an ISO ad (in search of) in different local Facebook groups.
Upgrade your insurance plan ahead of time. If your current medical insurance plan does not include an obstetric coverage it is time to upgrade. For as little as $20 a month for some plans you can include this coverage that will make your prenatal care and birthing experience much more affordable.
Get healthy before you attempt to get pregnant. Getting in shape by losing weight, beginning a healthy diet, quitting your smoking habit, or starting an exercise regimen can all help you to have a healthier pregnancy and an easy post partum recovery. Both of these will help to limit added expenses when having a baby.
Choose cloth diapering. You will definitely want to read our post on How to Get Started With Cloth Diapering. Disposable diapers are convenient, but are almost always significantly more expensive than cloth diapering. Whether you buy diapers from a reputable source online, or you make them yourself the initial investment is well worth it in the long run. The added laundry expense will be nominal compared to the weekly cost of disposable diapers.
Breastfeed when possible. Breastfeeding is a healthier option, and if you are physically and emotionally able to do so it is the most cost effective way to feed your baby. If you are unable to breastfeed, you can find coupons, vouchers and discounts on most formula brand websites to help offset the cost of formula.
Apply for WIC. The WIC program is a great way to supplement formula as well as food for yourself and your baby. While there are income limits to the program, most middle income families still qualify. This is provided by grants given to the program and not a government assistance program. If the funds are not used each year they go to waste. Don’t hesitate to use this if you are lower income and in need of assistance.
Shop yard sales, thrift stores and resale for clothing and supplies. Some things you will want to purchase new for safety. Car seats, cribs and bassinets are items you’ll want to buy brand new, but even those can be found on sale or with coupons through different manufacturers. Things like clothing and bedding however can be purchased at yard sales and resale shops for a fraction of the cost. In our area we have a huge Facebook group just for baby items. I was able to score many items for almost nothing in that group.
Barter. If you have a skill you can use, or even if you can babysit, I have often bartered with other friends for items. Right now I am doing some professional photography in return for some baby items!
These tips for having a baby on a budget may be just what you need to make your dream of a larger family happen with ease. What are some of your tips? Share them in the comments below!
One we have significantly saved money is making our own baby food. It’s simple and not as time consuming as you think and you don’t need any special equipment. A blender or personal blender does the job fantastically! I love knowing exactly what I’m feeding my baby plus saving a ton of money!