On October 8th, Shout! Factory in collaboration with Hasbro Studios, is set to release Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters – Predacons Rising on Blu-ray and DVD!! My son LOVES this show, so I jumped on the chance to review it and we watched it this weekend! This story picks up right after the last episode of Transformers Prime, Season 3, and if you are not aware of Transformers Prime, it is the BEST series since Transformers G1.
In this feature episode UNICRON is resurrected and takes over the body of MEGATRON. His goal is to attack the AUTOBOTS and destroy Cybertron. He is so hated that the Autobots, Decepticons and Predakings form an alliance to overcome his powers! At the end some tough decisions have to be made and a valuable lesson of self sacrifice is learned.
BONUS FEATURE: A look behind Polygon Studios
The bonus was really neat because you could see how the American animators worked with the computer graphics designers in China! Even though they didn’t speak the same language, their love for animation crossed language barriers!
This movie was a winner in our family, and you can pre-order your copy of Transformers Prime: Predacons Rising Combo Pack on Amazon
for $19.99!
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