We are so excited to bring you this ONE DAY flash giveaway for a $25 Victoria’s Secret Gift Card, a $10 Victoria’s Secret Gift Card Code, and a $5 Plum District Gift Card!!!! There will be THREE Winners picked!!!! The only mandatory options are the Facebook pages, but OF COURSE you gain extra entries by completing the other tasks! So often at Christmas, women don’t take time for themselves! This can be one way to pamper yourself, and you didn’t even have to pay anything for it! This giveaway goes live at 11p.m. EST tonight and ends at 12:01 a.m. on 12/21!! Enter via the rafflcopter below!!!
Thank you for the giveaway!
I would buy a perfume or body wash gift set.
I will get me a new bra
i will get me a gift set or two
Oh my. I don’t know WHAT I would buy with the giftcards! I really want some VS yoga pants!
Thanks for the giveaway! I LOVE Victoria’s Secret!
I would use the VS gift card to buy perfume mists!! Love them!
something for my daughter…probably yoga pants
I will buy something for my daughter because she loves Victoria Secret!
A new bra would be nice!
I would buy new p.j’s
im gonna buy some perfume!
I wanna buy makeup
something special for my boyfriend
There is no extra info box for my twitter name.. My twitter name is PinkReviews & my Google Circle name is Aranda Gibbs
I will by some lotion or body spray!
I will buy a new bra!!!
I would use my card for a new bra!
I will buy my self a christmas present! I could use a new bra.
I need to win!!!!
I am in DESPERATE need of a new bra. Thank you for the opportunity
Hmmmm. What would I use this $25 DOLLAR Gift Card for. Let see, I would use it to help buy my Favorite Perfume “Rapture”. I love , love, love, this. Thanks
I would buy lotion or body mist
New bras!
this is my first live flash giveaway
Id buy a new cardigan!
I’d buy panties!
I would buy perfume/sweats
i would buy myself something special
Probably find what’s on sale at victoria secrets and get something. And I don’t know what I’d used the plum district gc for.
perfume all the way!!!!!
I would buy some new underwear! I’m in the market for some but it’s so expensive! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win
I would by a bra or panties!!
I will buy perfume
Body spray
I would buy some PJ’s or bra.
Body sprays
I finally buy myself a VS bra
I will use it to buy some of the awesome Navy yoga pants and/or shirts! My husband serves in the Navy and I love all things Navy!
I will probably buy a robe, something warm lol
I would love to buy a nice and warm pj set!
I would buy some new undies! =)
I would buy p.j’s
I would Prob buy some perfume
im not sure but something good
I would like another pair of yoga pants
I would love to buy some new pajamas!!
I would buy yoga pnts
I really need a new bra for after I give birth. Or new thongs
hard decision but definitely perfume mists
I would buy a new bra..Love them at VS.
It will go towards the purchase of one of the awesome bras that are hard to find that fit!! Thank you!!!
I don’t know what I would buy, but I would sure like the chance!
Lingerie or new undies!!
Fiance will love this to get something nice for herself
I would buy myself a Pink sweat shirt and pants
I really like the “PINK” sweatpants and sweatshirts, so I might buy one of those. Thank you for the opportunity!!
Have a very Merry Christmas!!
Love to get a new bra. Thanks for the giveaway and good luck to all!!!
I want an Incredible bra!
Thanks for the opportunity. All you bloggers do such a great job. Keep up the good work.
I would give it to my 18yr. daughter so she could buy herself a nice bra.
If i win, i will give it to a good friend of mine who has 4 kids, so she can go and get her self something nice.
Some of their perfumes!
body spray
i need a new bra lol
I need New Bras n Panties
I will buy yoga pants for my daughter : )
Really need lotion my hands and body are so dry ,,,,Thank you for this giveaway….MERRY CHRISTMAS
i will buy something that not only makes me feel sexy but that my honey will love just as much;)thanks;)))
So many great choices, but I would love to get the PJs
I am going to buy some bath and body products when I win this!
always need some undies!
jen matthews (fb)
fauxpaus (twitter)
jennifer matthews (google +)
Thinking a new VS robe would be supernice for the winter “)
I would give it to my daughter
Some NICE underwear for me
I would buy some lotion or body spray!
Thank you for the giveaway !! I will buy some lip plumper & maybe some underwear !
buy some lotion
I would love to get new PJ’s
Would buy new bras!!!
I’d get some new clothes
I would buy panties. I am in need! lol
I will buy a new bra that I desperately need!
i would buy underwear, thanks for the giveaway
I will buy a new bra. I hope that they have my size!
a new bra!!
i would get me some undies always need new undies
New clothes
I would buy myself some new undies!!! Thanks for the giveaway! Good luck everyone!
A new bra!!!
I’d buy some yoga pants or pajamas.
probably some pink sweats!
I’m always buying my daughter cute underwear and wearing old ugly stuff myself. I would get some really nice underwear for me!
I would buy some Victoria Secret Heavenly Flowers perfume and lotion sets if I can find them.
I would take my wife and get her something nice..probably a sleep shirt or bra.
I’ve been wanting a PINK hoodie!
Thanks for the great giveaway!!!
I’d buy some PJ’s and some new undies!
did it again but says widget is broken! Hope its fixed before giveaway is over.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/intent/tweet/complete?latest_status_id=149326237771370497&original_referer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.debtfreespending.com%2F2011%2F12%2Fvictorias-secret-plum-district-gift-card-giveaway%2F&related=rafflecopter&shortened_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.debtfreespending.com%2F2011%2F12%2Fvictorias-secret-plum-district-gift-card-giveaway%2F&source=tweetbutton&text=Enter+to+win+a+Victoria%27s+Secret+Gift+Card+Today+Only!+Visit+http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fbvdwujx&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.debtfreespending.com%2F2011%2F12%2Fvictorias-secret-plum-district-gift-card-giveaway%2F
And my FAVORITE body spray ever is Love Spell. And I’m out too.