This year as your kids begin preparing for back to school, you can use these Ways To Save On School Lunches to help stretch your grocery budget. When the school lunches provided for your kids are unsavory, packing their lunch is preferred. These tips will help you save money and still provide your kids with a delicious lunch they will be glad you sent.
Ways To Save On School Lunches
Use a Thermos for leftovers. The easiest way to limit extra expenses is to send leftovers from your evening meals. A quality Thermos and a simple spoon or fork can be the perfect way to keep your kids fed with delicious meals for lunch at a nominal cost. You already know your kids like it, and you’ll be able to add this to your grocery budget easily.
Buy treats in bulk. For things like crackers, cookies, pretzels and similar snacks or treats buying in bulk is often the best price. If you can buy a large package and then bag in your own snack portions you will likely save even more. Always compare the price per unit or per ounce to make sure you are getting the best deal overall.
Prep fruits and veggies once a week. You will save time which ultimately is a great way to save on school lunches if you prep things like fruits and veggies that will be sent in their lunch all at once. Being able to quickly grab and go each day will help make packing lunches much easier for you and them.
Limit options so there is little waste. Send enough to satisfy, but not too much. Don’t pack a huge lunch that will end up going in the trash later on. Pack things that are packaged and can be used the next day if not eaten the first time you send them. Limit portions of perishable items so there is little to no waste Limiting options also keeps your kids from packing something different every day and ending up wasting perishable foods purchased for that week. One fruit, one cheese, one lunch meat option for the week. Don’t open multiple packages to use once here and there. This can result in wasted food and money.
Only send what you know they will eat. Try out new foods in small portions. If the like something, you can then include it in their lunch box routine. Don’t buy in bulk until you know it is something they will want to keep in their lunch routine on the regular.
Find out what everyone eats the most. If you have several picky eaters, figure out the most common foods that they will all eat, and keep this items in stock, and purchase them in bulk when they are on sale.
These ways to save on school lunches will help keep your kids happily fed while your budget stays in tact. Making homemade snack crackers, cookies, muffins and treats is another great way to save a few dollars a week on your school lunch budget.
We’d like to hear from you! What are some ways you save on school lunches?
i think these are great tips. I don’t have any kids but I try to grocery shop for about $30 for the week for lunches & small dinners.