Well, I just couldn’t stand it anymore. I have tried the Binder Method with a Case-It binder and baseball card dividers and it was an absolute mess. I just do not have the time or patience to sit and insert each coupon into those little baseball card holders. I work full-time, and it is just not feasible for me to invest this kind of time while trying to work, run a blog, and a non-profit ministry.
So, my words of wisdom to you would be….IF you are going to go with a Case-It type binder and baseball card holders, make sure you have the time to coupon using this style. It is more time intensive. Plus, my perfectionistic personality could not stand how I had to bend the coupons! (I know this must sound silly). However, I had to cut the coupons even closer to get them to fit properly, and this just took WAY too much time for me.
So, right now, I’m back to my old coupon holder as shown above, and I feel MUCH better! It’s much quicker for me to find my coupons, and I’m not lugging that big binder into CVS or my other stores anymore! I feel like a free woman!! Remember, the Case-it method may only be best for people with certain amounts of time and patience! I know many couponers who swear by that method, so I’m not doubting it, I just don’t think it’s for me! 🙂
I am definitely frustrated with the my coupon binder as it does take time to file each coupon away. I bought currency size divided plastic things and they are great for the longer coupons and I can fit 2 different coupons in 1 slot if they are the smaller coupons. However, it takes me FOREVER to get my coupons put away. Coupons from 2 Sunday papers are still sitting on my dining room table. They are cut, just need put away. Plus, I have a stack of printed coupons that need cut and put away. I was trying the method of just filing by coupon insert, i.e. Red Plum, SmartSource, P&G, etc., but I was constantly searching to see IF I had a particular coupon. I like that I can see each coupon through the plastic cover so I’ll probably stick with it, I just need to better manage my time I guess. I also work FT, have a nearly 16YO daughter who is VERY busy with school, sports, clubs at school, etc. and a husband, a house, 2 cats…you get the picture. So glad you are feeling better now that you are back to your old coupon holder! Happy couponing!! =)
I’m so glad I’m not the only one that doesn’t use the binder method – I tried to do it – it’s not for me. I use the file method and it’s perfect for me. I follow another blog that posts the the weekly coupon inserts for my newspaper in PDF format, so I print that out and put it with the coupon inserts for that week and put them in the file folders. I love your coupon holder – I’m going to buy some so I can have them with me instead of stuffing it in my purse 🙂
I’m with you…my binder takes too much time – and I am retired! But I have a life outside of couponing. I have inserts and coupons lying around waiting to be filed till they are expired some months! So, I am thinking your method is looking pretty good right now! Thanks for letting us know we are not alone!
Hugs, GraceinAZ
I never got the “correct” holders. I use just open page protectors for each category and I still feel like it’s too much! I have 2 little ones so I can’t leave anything out which means I have to do it all in one sitting. Doesn’t happen often!
Great post! I’m not a binder user either! I love my accordion file – it fits perfectly in my purse and is organized exactly in a fashion that makes sense to me. Isn’t that what successful couponing is all about? Doing what makes the most sense for us? Side note, I feel like whenever I run across a binder user in a store, the person always looks at me like I’m an amateur because I’m using an accordion file!
I’ve always used the accordion file and it works just fine for me. And even though I love my coupons and use them all the time, I must admit that when I get behind someone with one of those gigantic binders in the checkout lane I go to another lane because I know they are using loads of coupons and it will take forever to check out.
I can’t stand the binder either. It takes forever and takes up too much room. I bought a #10 envelope plastic container with a lid on it and put coat hooks on it so that it hangs on the outside (or inside of the cart). I then just use #10 envelopes that have tabs on it to sort my coupons and put them in the plastic container. No big binder to take up space in the cart and I love not having to cut my coupons so precise! Love it!
I need to put a pic of my ‘coupon container’ on here LOL I found a clear plastic box with a top *with a handle* and it has 2 strong ‘locks’ to hold said top on 😉
It fits PERFECTLY in the cart seat!! AND I don’t have to fold/spindle/mutilate any coupons to get them in there!! I just used neon index cards to divide each section & regular index cards for the sub-sections.
My scissors, pens etc lay perfectly along the side 🙂
I found the box at either Staples or Office Depot
I spend so much LESS time on my coupons now!! It’s awesome!
Maggie, Please do post a picture of your coupon container..I would love to see a new way to organize coupons. My binder is heavy and takes a lot of time to keep organized. Thanks.
My first coupon holder was a photo storage box from Hobby Lobby that my husband put dental moulding in from front to back on the top and bottom edges. He then made luan pieces that fit into the moulding to keep things from falling over. I took snack size bags and labelled them for eat coupon type (cereal, dog biscuits, cheese, etc). Then we cut cardboard for the sections to put the bags in (dairy, paper, plastic, breakfast, etc.) I found a cute tote bag at the dollar store that held it perfectly and away I went. I recently switched to a binder, like it because I can flip the pages but nearly as convenient to load and carry.
I like my index card box. You can buy card dividers that I named with each category that made sense to me. It is perfect and much easier to me than using a binder.
Please believe me when I say this!!! If you ONLY use the sleeved pages that are separated into THREE pockets (one on top of the other), you will never have to fold your coupons and they will slide in and out so nicely! They also will fit any size coupons, even the catalinas. I used the 9 pocket baseball card sleeves and I thought I would just give up on the whole thing, until I discovered these sleeves. Now I cannot live without my binder. 🙂 Luck to all…it definitely takes time to do this, but think of the rewards we get to brag about! 🙂
I have done it both ways. With the accordions, it was little time at home to stash my coupons, but more time in the store looking to see if I had a coupon for a certain product. The binder takes more time at home, but less in the store. I found that the accordion worked great for me when I was shopping alone. However, now that I have 3 kids, I usually have some of them along when I grocery shop, and they don’t have the patience for me digging for coupons. Right now I spend the extra time at home with the binder, so I don’t have to spend the extra time in the store. When my kids are a little older, I’ll probably switch back.
I tried the binder too, but it was just too time consuming. All the cutting and sorting was too much for me. I recently got a new coupon holder that I love it’s the perfect solution for me. You can see it http://www.bargainfun.net/2012/03/my-new-coupon-organizer.html
I used a binder for a while but I found it to time consuming and the baseball card holder pages tear easily with large hands. I switched to a small tote box and made tiny file folders and just wrote the categories on the folders. I find this much easier and I can just remove the entire little folder to find what I’m looking for. I can keep a pen, note pad, calculator and what not in it with my little folders. I just take the coupons I need out and put them in a empty folder as I walk around the store.
Okay – I gotta confess what I use…..since I am a mom of a 16 year old and now a 1 year old (thanks God for my little surprise)….I have diaper wipe boxes….so I have mine right now in 2 boxes of empty diaper wipes….
I love some of the other ideas mentioned above.
I have tried many methods since I started couponing. I bought the binder and some baseball card inserts but never got around to filling any of the slots. My binder still sits unused after all these years. I tried a small file but found I shifted through my coupons alot while in the store especially in the clearance sections. I now have two accordian files that look like clutches. My wonderful husband found these at Office Max and gave them to me for Christmas. I seperated my coupons into non food and food items. They are small and decrete. I know longer feel like I am back to having babies (youngest son is 13) and always walking out of the house with this extra bag in hand to carry my coupons.
This is the coupon holder I use. I made mini files and put mine in alphabetically food/non-food. I hated my binder. I also have a large accordion folder with all my inserts in it. Then I print what’s in the inserts and put them in my holder as well. Works amazingly. I got sick of having 6 small accordion folders once I ditched my binder,
I don’t like to fold the coupons either. Still trying to come up with a way for me to not spend so much prep time and too much time in the store.
I wish I had enough coupons to NEED a coupon binder, LOL. I don’t buy many groceries and I live in Canada. So much less fun couponing here >.< My coupons have a home in my wallet
Wow. I’m so glad I saw this post as I was looking to set up a coupon binder. I don’t work but sometimes have a child with me when food shopping. I currently use an accordion file but it’s just not working.
Maybe I’ll still try it and if it doesn’t work, give it away on the blog.
Thanks for your valuable insight!
Coupon binders take up too much room in the buggy!
I have always used an accordion coupon divider. Much easier. I recently went to a few small dividers. I divide per personal products, dairy, cereal, prepared foods, snacks, canned, frozen, shaving, etc. My pantry is organized in sections, why not coupons. I make my list PRIOR to going to the store. Silly to carry a huge binder. The binder method makes everyone dependent on one or two couponers that tell everyone what products are on sale, where… Also, why keep a binder with expired coupons so I can find the one unexpired December, 2011 coupon for something I rarely use but keep all the coupon pages? Cut what I use/need and file them. Accordion files are the only way to go. I go through monthly to in case there is an expired coupon or two.
I have always used this system it works great!!